WCTN: World Collaborative Textbook of Neurosurgery

Wiki source code of Section 19.2: Meningiomas

Last modified by Max Gosey on 2010/06/10 21:38

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Max Gosey 1.1 1 =General Characteristics of Meningiomas=
2 ===Anatomical localization===
3 Meningiomas tend to grow inside the cranial vault. They are often found within the cerebral falx and tentorium.
4 ===Histological Appearance===
5 Describe the histological apperance here.
8 =Diagnosis=
9 ===Imaging===
10 Describe imaging here.
11 ===Laboratory Studies===
12 List labs here.
15 =Interventions=
16 ===Surgical===
17 Chop it out or do whatever.
18 ===Non-surgical===
19 =====Medications=====
20 ======Methotrexate======
21 Methotrexate will prevent proliferation.
22 ======5-fluorouracil======
23 5-fluoruracil will also prevent proliferation, but it has more side-effects.
24 =====Radiation=====
25 ======Gamma-knife======
26 Gamma-knife considerations.
27 ======Cyberknife======
28 Cyberknife considerations.
30 =Prognosis=
31 Describe prognosis here.
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