WCTN: World Collaborative Textbook of Neurosurgery

Wiki source code of Volume IV: Pain

Last modified by Max Gosey on 2010/06/18 15:24

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Max Gosey 2.1 1 This is where the list of chapters belonging to Volume IV: Neuromodulation for Pain will go.
Max Gosey 1.1 2
Max Gosey 2.1 3 == A note on reorganization ==
5 Soon, what are now called chapters 4 through 7 will be reorganized such that they are moved into this volume. The architects of this website mistakenly placed those four chapters under the umbrella of Stereotactic and Functional neurosurgery. After some changes are made, the entire table of contents will be restructured, and those existing chapters will be reached through their proper volume.
8 In the mean time, please see the following four chapters for topics in neuromodulation for pain.
Max Gosey 3.1 10 Chapter IV.4: [[Neurophysiologic Monitoring During Spinal Cord Stimulation >>http://noddle.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/EMGForElectrodePlacement/]]
11 Chapter IV.5: [[Sacral Neuromodulation>>http://noddle.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/UsingSacralElectrodes/]]
12 Chapter IV.6: [[Retrograde Electrograde Placement, a Procedural Description>>http://noddle.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/RetrogradeElectrodePlacement/]]
13 Chapter IV.7: [[Percutaneous Peripheral Nerve Stimulation>>http://noddle.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Chapter7/]]
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